Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Down's Syndrome and Abortion, Arguments 2 and 3

2.) "Palin doesn't represent most women because she is pro-life."
FACT: Only 37% of women polled believed that abortions should be "generally" available (Source: CBS/New York Times Poll, 2007). That means that 61% of women think that abortions should NOT be generally available. 37% of women believe that abortions should be legal, but with stricter limitations than there are now. What does this mean? MOST women think abortion is TOO readily available and a MAJORITY believe that abortions should NOT be generally permitted (e.g., the opinion of John McCain and Sarah Palin). Obama on the other hand voted AGAINST the partial-birth abortion ban...He wanted women to be able to have abortions well into the 3rd trimester of pregnancy (e.g. 24-40 week pregnant). Interesting sidenote: A fetus is viable (could survive outside the womb) at 20 weeks. From the same poll: Only 10% of women agree with Obama that partial-birth abortions should be legal.

Additionally, the number of women who do not support legal abortions without restrictions has decreased nearly 10% since just 2003.

There's your argument...Palin actually does represent most women because she's not saying that abortions should NEVER be an option. She just does not agree that abortion should be generally permitted; rather, it should be utilized only for cases of rape, incest, if the baby has certain incurable/life threatening disease(like Taysach's NOT Down's Syndrome).

Also, here are some stats on Down Syndrome for those of you who have heard some liberals suggest that Palin shouldn't have kept Trig, her 4-month old baby who has Down's Syndrome.
  • Although the probability increases with maternal age, 80% of children with Down syndrome are born to women under the age of 35
  • Current research (as of 2008) has shown that Down syndrome is due to a random event during the formation of sex cells or pregnancy. There has been no evidence that it is due to parental behavior or environmental factors.
  • Due to the low incidence of Down syndrome, a vast majority of early screen positives are false. Since false positives typically prompt an amniocentesis to confirm the result, and the amniocentesis carries a small risk of inducing miscarriage, there is a slight risk of miscarrying a healthy fetus. (The added miscarriage risk from an amniocentesis is traditionally quoted as 0.5%, but recent studies suggest that it may be considerably smaller (0.06%), not statistically different from zero.
  • Some members of the disability rights movement "believe that public support for prenatal diagnosis and abortion based on disability contravenes the movement's basic philosophy and goals."
  • A large percentage of men/women with Down's Syndrome go on to lead normal, healthy and productive lives. By aborting these people in utero, one is basically practicing eugenics, the "policy" of eliminating unproductive/"defective" members of society. Should we kill quadriplegics or paraplegics or blind people or deaf people? I vote no.

1 comment:

Jon said...

Love the blog K, but I have to keep you honest.

Palin does not support abortion in cases of rape. She has stated that if her own daughter was raped she would not want her daughter to have an abortion. She only supports abortion if the mother's life is in danger.

A poll by Fox News shows that 70% of people support abortion in cases of rape.

Feel free to come and attack my hippy liberal postings -