Wednesday, September 03, 2008

"It's a little more than a community and it needs a little more than an organizer"

Sarah Palin's speech tonight was excellent and delivered exactly what it needed to. She asserted that she's not in the race to win the media's good opinion - she's out to win the opinion of the American people. She commented that the being the Mayor of Wasilla is a "little like being a community organizer, except with actual responsibilities." She talked about her experiences and her personal story, supporting the troops and not being afraid to seek victory and uphold the truths we hold to be self-evident. Palin mentioned her small-town life and how people from small towns often do the hardest work - "They grow our food, work in our factories and fight our wars and they are always proud of America." She looked great, her family looked beautiful and her whole family was there (including baby Trig!). The crowd is/was going nuts for her. 

Flawless speech, Sarah!

"Seems clear that she can speak. No doubt about that tonight." - FOX News Anchor Brit Hume

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