Monday, September 01, 2008

Bristol Palin

After some filthy lefty blogging over the past few days that suggested Sarah Palin's youngest son, Trig, is not her own, some interesting news has developed. Bristol Palin is pregnant, about 5 months a long, and plans to wed the baby's father soon. Naturally, lefty bloggers are going nuts about this story as well, though I can't say it surprises me that they would attack a 17-year old pregnant teenager who isn't running for any office. The Dems are bullying their way to better polling numbers and anyone who buys their crappy tactics should reevaluate their priorities. Bristol is taking responsibility for her actions - having the baby, creating an intact home - and is supported by her family and her community. No one was trying to cover up the pregnancy, and McCain himself knew about the pregnancy before naming Palin as his VP - he rightly believes that her daughter's pregnancy doesn't disqualify her from being a powerful name on the Republican ticket. Palin has dealt with real issues that real people face - she's a mother, a wife, a small-town citizen. She has 5 children and an incredible career. She's made incredible and historic progress in the area of women's rights and has 80% + approval from her constituency. The idea that people could attack her parenting abilities is absurd. Where are the critics of Obama's parenting style? Is he eating family dinners every night? Is any politician? He takes no heat because he's a man, not because he's a better parent.

Frankly, I'd rather have a VP whose 17 year old daughter is having a baby than a VP whose plagiarized at least twice. Sarah is real and has dealt with issues normal, everyday Americans face everyday. Keep up the great work, Sarah!

To read an article about this, click:,8599,1837862,00.html?xid=rss-topstories

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