Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Tom DeLay Said Something Not Wrong

In a rare moment of clarity, Tom DeLay today scrutinized the media for its coverage of McCain the past two days. Essentially, DeLay asserted that the media has accomplished something McCain had not yet done - it has awakened Republican women to come to defense of Sarah Palin. The unfair and ridiculous scrutiny she and her family have been under is unfair and people are realizing it. DeLay called Republican Women "the sleeping giants" - and I agree. The media's argument that she was selected because she's a woman is as if not more offensive as suggesting that Dems chose Barack Obama because he's black - it's not a correct statement, it's not what this race is about.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If someone brings up Palin's short political career or the consistency between McCain and Bush voting (I said Bush doesn't vote, but that was countered with McCain votes with Bush's lame) I just want something to shut them down with. And also, somebody said that Palin represents only a small portion of women because she's pro-life. And someone ELSE said she shouldn't have ever HAD the baby with Down syndrome in the first place. I almost punched her in the face. But she is my friend. I guess politics should just be off limits for us? You're doing a fantastic job!!!!