Sunday, August 31, 2008

Bias in the Media

An AP article featured on the Yahoo! Home Page contains the following statement:
"The Bush White House and Republicans in general are still shadowed by criticism of their handling of relief efforts after Hurricane Katrina, which devastated New Orleans and parts of the Mississippi Gulf Coast three years ago."

Certainly, one can agree Bush was criticized for his handling of Katrina (rightly or wrongly). What I take issue with is that "Republicans in general" took criticism of their handling of Katrina. What was I supposed to do? I donated money, as did many Americans, both Republican or otherwise. Does the article mean Republican Congressman? What did they NOT do that Democratic Congressman did? Surely saying the Bush White House was enough to convey the writer's point. But I for one had no control over they way relief efforts were handled and I'm pretty sure being Republican doesn't increase one's power to coordinate these relief efforts.

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