Saturday, August 30, 2008

Well, it certainly didn't take long for Dems and gossipers alike to impugn Mr. McCain's VP selection, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. What galls me most, however, is the Dems' complete lack of acknowledgment that this is a historic occasion! Gossiper Perez Hilton called her "anti-feminist," yet made incredibly sexist, disgusting comments at the end of the same post - calling her a slut and suggesting she must have a sex tape. Just because she's attractive, she is attacked for being anti-feminists. I, for one, am not surprised that this smart, intelligent and progressive woman is a Republican - a maverick, too! Congrats on a great VP, Mr. McCain! Way to energize the base. Let's be honest...
Our VP candidate is hotter than yours! And smarter, funnier, more promising, and more connected with real Americans. Can't wait for the debates!!

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