Saturday, August 30, 2008

Classy Democrats Hit Again!

Despite the tragedy of Hurricane Katrina's devastation 3 years ago, many Dems, including blowhard film maker Michael Moore and former DNC Chairman Don Fowler are excited Gustav is headed directly toward Louisiana! In fact, they believe Hurricane Gustav indicates "God is on 'our' [Democrats'] side." because its scheduled to strike tomorrow - the scheduled first day of the Republican National Convention. And I thought that Democrats were above dirty politics and were clean as whistles? How wrong I've been this whole time.

Not only did they relish Gustav's imminent arrival in New Orleans, but they trashed Governor Sarah Palin. Fowler said she's "just terrible...other than the simple fact that she's female" ( -")

To see the YouTube video of Fowler bashing Repubs and getting excited about Hurricane Gustav, click here!!

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